Wendy and I were in IRC today, and I mentioned how guilty I felt not having sent feedback to authors for some of the tremendously wonderful stories I've read. I told her that I was going through my selfish "I want to spend *all* my free time *reading* not writing fdk" phase. goofy Well, she suggested this thread. Now, there are *many* authors out there that I "owe" and it may take me a while and more than a few posts to get to everyone, but I thought I might as well start now. laugh

I know there are others of you out there like me (don't deny it, you know you're guilty too!), so feel free to jump in and post your feedback too! The authors will love it!

Wendy Richards : You just really don't want to know how many I owe you wink , but here are a few...

Faux Pas: Oh, the angst! The tension! The hurt! The *faux pax*. The make up. The revelation. The 'I love you's. The part after the 'I love you's. wink Everything really.

Sara (who's sure now that she's started this thread, she's going to end up with an even *longer* list of stories to read dizzy )

Kerth nominations are opening on March 3!
🏆2024 Kerth Award Posts 🏆.

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