Speaking of books and fanfiction. I have a couple of friends who are 'into' the "Destroyer" series of pulp type adventure novels.

Apparently the author (or someone behind those books) has been soliciting fanfiction shorts stories based on the series for the last couple of years and plans to pick out several of the best ones and publish them in an anthology compilation.

He thinks that fanfiction is a wonderful form of flattery and this is his way of saying thanks and exposing some 'more' good stories to the fandom.

I'm not real familiar with the details since it's a fandom I'm not into, and I've only heard about it in passing, but I thought it was kind of cool.

Tank (who thinks it's nice to find out that there are some people out there who don't think that fanfic writers are merely the evil stealers of someone else's hard earned efforts)