Let's just say that I've made someone close to me very, very angry. That they are right to be angry, I've been a really stupid superhero...

Can we say that? And let's say that in a lame attempt to patch things up- and I know it's lame, but I'm grasping at straws- I fly to Somewhere to buy a bouquet of flowers that are beautiful and unique enough to get me forgiven...or let me back into the house, at the very least.

Let's just say that.

What would I buy? I need to be in another country. Any country will do. And I need to know what flowers I could get there.

I'll take any and all suggestions.

If I flew to England I would buy...what? Italy? Spain? Greece? er...other places? The more specific the better.

Here in the southern US, it would be a fistful of kudzu...

Any takers? Or is this too silly to answer?



You mean we're supposed to have lives?

Oh crap!
