The question is, what happened to him then?
He discovered that the hyper metabolism which allowed him to consume all that food and still remain thin was not, in fact, an isolated quirk. It was the byproduct of a chemical explosion which had also given him the ability to move at nearly the speed of light. When he realized he had super powers, he changed his name to Barry Allen and moved across the country to Central City.

And what happened to Star for that matter?
This one I know from my high school algebra teacher, Mrs. Gooen. It's been a while since I heard the story, but I'll try to sum it up as best I can.

Star was discovered by a powerful benefactor. He asked her if she was happy. She realized that she wasn't. So, he became her patron. He set her up with her own psychic hotline. She started earning lots of money. He asked her if she was happy. She still wasn't. Money had never been what she was after.

He helped build up that buisiness until she was world-famous. Everyone knew her, everyone came to her for advice. Again, her patron asked if she was happy. Again, she was forced to admit that no, she wasn't. Fame and fortune were nice, but not what she truly wanted.

So, her patron took things a step further. He rented out a giant stadium and filled it with political and religious leaders. She used her powers to contact influential figures from each of their respective histories. The spirts encouraged everyone to set aside their disputes, to respect each other, to honor the differences between them rather than fighting over them. The leaders were so moved by these pleas that great strides were made towards world peace.

Again, Star was asked if she was happy. "Yes!" she said. "I've made a real difference. I've helped make the world a better place. I couldn't possibly be happier!"

At these words, her patron immediately hit her.

"What was that for?" she asked, shocked.

"My mother always told me to strike a happy medium," he explained.

And Jack, and Cat?
Well, Cat's story has been explored in more than one fic, so I'll leave that one alone. As for Jack, let me see... Living in a box? ... Nah. That joke's definitely not worth it. Started on a massive hunt for Rowan Atkinson? Nah, Mere already did a better beanstalk...

Sorry. I think I'm going to have to stick with the story that Jack was uncomfortable working at the Planet after everything that had happened. Was never really suited to the work, anyway. So, he got a job as a consultant for an alarm company, pointing out weaknesses and helping them design better systems. Boring, but what can you do?

Paul, whose solid info on Bobby has already been covered by more knowledgeable FoLCs, but who just couldn't resist the temptation of adding some speculation.

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.