Originally posted by mariadferdez.:
"Coma" [img]http://www.smiliemania.de/smilie.php?smile_ID=1362[/img]
Author will to continue in the future (a year) but not now.

2.ErinK-Long Road Home-[1]-July 15,2003
Just an update on mine, too. Nope, no more coma!you can yank my "The Long Road Home" right on out of this designation.

As CC, LabRat, and Wendy can attest to, it's humming right along! Thanks, my awesome BRs! dance I hope to start posting by the end of next week. laugh I just hope it will be worth everybody's wait... <crossing fingers>


I often feel sorry for people who don't read good books; they are missing a chance to lead an extra life. ~ Scott Corbett ~