Hi Wanda,

Coma is defined as the lacking of (conscious) experiences. If there aren’t other brain damages, all vitally necessary organs will continue to function. So for you question: One can be in a coma but still exhibit spontaneous respiration. That’s probably similar to you sleeping. You don’t stop breathing, although you don’t consciously do it. However, depending how severe/deep the coma is, the internal organs would need mechanical aid. So it is up to you, if your patient in the story needs mechanical aid for respiration or if he can breathe for himself.

You can read more about coma here:

As for the internal bleeding, I think it depends how severe the bleeding is and where in the body the bleeding is. If it is a strong bleeding, say in the abdominal cavity or the brain, you immediately need surgery and the bleeding must be stopped, otherwise you’ll die. I don’t know exactly how they stop it, but I think, this also depends on where the bleeding is. Some bleedings are too severe and you can’t stop them, because your patient is loosing too much blood.

Hope this helps

Ines smile

"It is our choices, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." (Albus Dumbledore, CoS)