Okay, I have some questions here, and I hope y'all will be willing to help me out with your various expertises.

1a. How long does it take for a bag of blood to empty out into a human? (You know, when they're getting blood at the hospital)

1b. Is it the same amount of time going the other way?
If not, then how long does that take?

1c. How many of those bags does it take to fill up a two year old? A three year old?

2. How soon after conception does Morning Sickness begin?

3. When a person is wrapped in a towel, is there a specific word for the place where the towel is tucked? Knot, hem, etc?

4. If a man has a split personality and both personalities get involved with the same woman, and said woman gets pregnant, and assuming that at least one personality is aware of the other, will they think of the child as "ours" or will they demand a paternity test to determine which of them is the father?

5. If a man with multiple personalities gets amnesia, do they all forget or just the one who got hit on the head? (I think I asked this one before, but I forgot the answer)

6. I read that when a person goes to see a shrink, they must be comfortable with their shrink or it won't work. So how would they handle a guy with a severe fear of doctors?

7. Does Lois' apartment have a kitchen table? (I don't recall seeing one, but then I've never won the observance award)

8. What exaclty are the laws concerning a "common law wife" and are those state laws or federal?

9. Are there any volunteers to add to either of the round robins on the boards?

10. In which section of the library could I find books about the benefits of fruit? (Okay, I confess; that last one's for school)
