Has anyone done a fanfic where Lois falls in love at first sight and it is Clark who takes a while to come around?
It's probably not obvious, and I know this will surprise a lot of people, but, in my own head at least, I've always thought of IN THE BEGINNING this way. It's not so much that Clark isn't attracted to her and possibly even rather deeply in love right off as it is that he's extremely hesitant to admit it and Lois is much more the agressor in that respect. Plus, in my notes for the sequel to it that I've always wanted to write, er, finish, she's definitely the one driving the relationship and keeping things on "track" while he's holding back considerably, primarily I think because he's so blown away by the one-two punch combination of the creation of Superman and someone new suddenly "knowing" his secret, not to mention her oh-so-enthusiatic reaction to the whole situation. laugh

BevBB :-)
"B. B. Medos"