Well, I suggested a while ago that we have a 'clinic' on how to write plots, and here we are. smile Mind you, I think I asked specifically for an 'A' plot clinic, since I believe that's where a lot of L&C authors have trouble.

Tank, maybe the D and E plots are the stuff that never gets written. wink When I plan my A plots, for example, I usually work out a lot more background detail than I actually include in the story. I need to have that safety net so that I'm confident that the stuff I do include is plausible (well, as plausible as you can get in a story about a flying man <g>). What I find frustrating and time-consuming is the level of detail I sometimes find myself researching and planning in order to work out a cohesive A plot. Maybe it's because I don't naturally have a devious, criminally-astute mind. wink

I'm interested to hear how other people deal with their A plots.
