We'are beginning to see glimpses of the old Lois, and a little boldness in her wanting Clark's kiss; but I feel this is not going to be a smooth road from this point ahead: it was a very emotional day (and night), circumstances were so particular and special, with Clark so in need of help, that Lois was able to cope with everything Clark told her, probably because she was overwhelmed by her feelings and her wish to help him. I think in daylight she'll be assailed with doubts: she'll have to cope with Clark' declared love, her own feeling for him, his difficulties with red K, her supposed fault in this mess and, above all, another version of herself who was so important in Clark's life that he completely changed his life. I think it'll be enough if she has no nightmares this night!
As usually, wonderful part, Yvonne! clap clap clap

Simona smile