Wow. Just wow. Amazing.

Congratulations to all of the nominations. I would hereby like to place myself in the very front of the line to borrow LabRat's pin because there is simply no way I'm going to be able to pick when all of the stories on the ballot just blow me away.

I have to say, CC summed up my thoughts exactly. I'm just so excited to be nominated. I figure that after this year, there's no way to go but down <g>. Cause it can't get any better than this. So thank you so much to those who nominated my stories. You've made my year!

Well, I've got my list ready, my cup of hot chocolate steaming, and my laptop fired up for some good couch reading. Anyone out there have a great scoring system to help me out here?


You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah