Finally, I don't know anything about farm chores but on "Smallville" Jonathan also uses part of the barn as a toolshed and to fix up farm machinery.
I just noticed this comment when rereading the thread and thought I'd throw something else out because it just occurred to me. I've never been quite sure what that building was on L&C that they were always doing something in, but if I had to take a guess, I'd say it was definitely a toolshed or even a small machinery workshop. Possibly attached to the side of a barn or stable but not necessarily. What's confusing about the one on the series is that I was never sure if it was supposed to be the same building each time because they used it for such a wide variety of things.

When Clark has his babbling spell in THAT OLD GANG OF MINE, I think, I'm pretty sure Martha was putting canned goods on shelves. That always struck me as odd because I wouldn't think they'd be storing family food on an established farm in anything other than a below-ground cellar in Kansas and yet I distinctly remember a window in that scene. It might not have been but it sure looked like that same building being used yet again. Talk about multi-purpose. smile

BevBB :-)
"B. B. Medos"