Chances are, if a person were driving in Kansas (or in a state boarding Kansas such as Iowa or South Dakota), they would be able to stop in a local gas station and pick up a folded-up road map of the entire state of Kansas. Even the smallest towns would have gas stations with such a map.

And the map itself would probably be no larger than a map for a much smaller state such as Connecticut because I believe they are designed to scale to fit on a particular set size. I'd hate to have to unfold the Texas map if all states were placed on proportional sized maps <g>.

I won't speak for all people, of course, but I myself have a Rand McNally Road Atlas in my car that has a page for each of the 50 states plus many maps of key cities. It doesn't provide detail of the small county roads and such, but when I'm in a strange place, it gets me basically where I need to be.

Hope that helps,

You know that boy'd walk on water for you? Or he'd drown tryin'. -Perry White to Lois in Just Say Noah