well, since annie took care of the address question so neatly, i'll handle the kryptonite one. smile

you got all the main colors, julie. nice job. smile i could never do that myself.

fortunately, i remembered enough to do a web search which came up with this page, which is part of the " superman enyclopedia ."

to sum up (and adding a detail or two from memory):

green - we all know what that does. pain, loss of powers, eventually death.

red - each chunk has a different unpredictable effect. effects are only temporary (thanks to this site for confirming my memory that the general time limit is 24-48 hours), and superman is immune to each piece after being exposed to it once.

gold - permanently removes all super powers. (was used on general zod and his cohorts in a pocket/alternate universe in which kryptonite had a different frequency, and thus didn't affect superman)

blue - affects only bizarros, who are immune to other types. (bizarro #1 was a failed copy of superman. he was later given a bizarro lois to make him happy, then a planet where his destructive nature wouldn't be a problem, and then that planet was populated by copies of bizarro superman and bizarro lois. my understanding is that kryptonians cannot be cloned, and that any clone who is produced will degrade into a bizarro)

white - affects only kryptonian plant life, in the same way that green k affects kryptonian animal life (such as superman, his cousin supergirl, and his dog krypto)

there was also crimson kryptonite, which was created by myxie and given to lex luthor. so long as it existed, superman had no powers, but, as was stated in myxie's terms, as soon as superman discovered its existance, it disappeared.

the second site i mentioned (the one that gave the time limit for the red k) has more extensive listings that also include:

anti-kryptonite - toxic/lethal to non-powered kryptonians.

x-kryptonite - only one chunk exists. it was accidentally created by supergirl when she was trying to create a cure for green k. aparantly, x-kryponite has the power to temporarily give kryptonian-like super powers to earth cats. this was the power source for supergirl's cat, who was a member of the legion of superpets . (according to that page, btw, the x-krptonite ended up in streaky the cat's yarn ball, so streaky's temporary powers were more or less constantly renewed without streaky or supergirl ever realizing where they'd come from. this leads me to mention one of the most useful phrases i've found when talking about silver age comics: "it's the comics. these things happen.")

(additional info about red k - according to this site, red k is created when green k passes through a "space cloud." <shrug>)

they've also got info about 3 other types of kryptonite, which i'll just paste directly in rather than summing up:

Jewel Kryptonite: Remnents of Krypton's Jewel Mountains, it allows Phantom Zone residents to focus their mental energy and cause explosions in the outside world.
Two notable fake varieties are Silver and Yellow K. Silver was used to keep Superman from closely investigating what turned out to be a 25th (silver) anniversary gift for him from his friends, and Yellow was used by Luthor to fake out what he thought was Superman. It turned out it was a Superman robot ordered to react to Kryptonite like the real thing. When Luthor found this out, he returned all the gold from Fort Knox which he'd stolen.

gotta love the silver age. <g>

i think that about covers it. hope it helps. smile

p.s. looking at the super pets page, i discovered that there were at least 2 other super animal groups. the space canine patrol agency (good old scpa...) and the space cat patrol agency (also the scpa... funny how both groups ended up with the same acronym, and so similar, too, to the acronym used by the society for the prevention of cruelty to animals... what are the odds?). both are briefly covered on this page. i know, it's got nothing to do with the question at hand, but i just had to share...

When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.