Oh, it could even mean 'all profits', with a bit of careful accounting. wink Profit is what's left once all costs have been deducted... but who decides what the costs are? Suppliers of parts/components/consumables will still be paid their normal price, perhaps with a 'goodwill' discount. Workers will still be paid. Managers will still be paid.

Companies can still make profit out of 'non-profit' items, simply by careful presentation of costs.

But apart from that, in this situation Superman merchandise is probably not the only thing the company is making. So even if it was not possible to make 'hidden' profits on a Superman doll, it wouldn't hurt the company too much to make little or no profits on that given they'd be making lots of profit on the rest of their range. Add to that the great PR and the possibility that customers will move on from the Superman merchandise to their Power Ranger stuff wink and it would certainly pay for a company to get involved in 'not for profit' Superman merchandise.

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*