Thank you.

I discovered a lot of my problems were medication induced. I have mild adhd (which was diagnosed in adulthood - as a straight-A student, it never came up - and back when I was a kid, nobody really made a big fuss about this stuff). I went on concerta, and that just stifled so m any things.

Energy, happiness - but also my appetite. I lost 8 pounds in 2 mos which was great.

After spending 4 days in a row with my kids (holidays), and being tired, cranky and not in the mood to do anything, I decided i'd go off the drug.

In 24 hours, I had energy, and spark again. So... my muse should return as well.

I apologize that this has left you all hanging.

My other problem is being so pulled apart time wise - 2 little girls, and a full time job are quite demanding on my cycles.

The thing is - I have the pieces of the next chapter - I just need 1-2 alone hours to devote to it.

Silence is violence. End white supremacy based violence