Dear Kathy, Paul, QotC et al. (Who's this Al character? laugh ),

Claimed by RL? Well, maybe... But I can assure you that both Imbalance and CP2 (featuring the second Reeve/Kidder movie) are still on the boil -- just simmering on a very low heat, if I can stretch a metaphor way past its proper length.

CP2 has been a long time coming -- little things like S6 (remember that, Kathy? wink ) and Imbalance have got in the way, and CP stories are, by their very nature, long and time-consuming to write since I have to summarise the plot of the movie and write L&C's reactions -- but it is in the works. FWIW, Lois found the Mysterious Video Store and the tape this time, and she and Clark are currently wondering how the writers of the film knew about the Kryptonian "feudal" system -- if they did.

I have long-term plans for more CP stories which I hope I can carry out. All 4 Superman movies are on the list, as are other non-Superman films/TV shows which seem appropriate for the format -- and one FoLC wanted me to do one in which L&C read the comics (specifically, the Superman Red/Superman Blue arc). I very nearly started on what I would have called CP1.5 when the first episode of the sitcom My Hero was shown here, and may yet do that; it won't be as long as the others, because there's only half-an-hour of story to deal with rather than 2-hours-plus.

And then there's that crossover story I threatened-- er, discussed with Kathy that might make a nice wrap-up for the whole series... wink

So, patience, FoLCs. I can assure you that I'm still lurking here and still writing, when I can. Trouble is, I keep getting ideas far faster than I can turn them into stories...

Okay, back to Imbalance... It's time to do something nasty to Lois... evil


Ping! Ping!! Ping!!! -- Mother Box
She's such a chatterbox at times...