From the script of Super Mann:

A SPORTSCASTER interviews a quarterback in a crowded,
excited locker room after a game. Players HOOT and HOLLER,
waving their fingers in the We're Number One sign. WE are
very TIGHT on the quarterback... and we SEE that it's
Steve. Supered on the screen is: Steve Law, Quarterback, (X)
Metropolis Tigers. There's a LSPN logo in the lower right

All I can say is, look out 49'ers!
We're going to clean your socks!

Boisterous CHEERS from his teammates as they move away and
the Sportscaster turns to CAMERA, grinning.

Well, whether Steve Law means (X)
'socks' or 'clocks', the 49'ers had
better look out because the long
arm of the Law is going to the
BTW, one reason the team "Tigers" might be so popular in L&C fic is because Dean played football for Princeton University and they are the Princeton Tigers.
