Okay, I need help finding a story. I was rewatching some Christmas episodes to get in the holiday spirit, and when I watched Home is Where the Hurt Is, it reminded me of a fic -- but I can't remember the title or author.

In the story, Clark is extremely ill due to Krytonite exposure (I think as the result of Diana Stride and the tainted lipstick) and Lois has to nurse him back to health by making him vomit up the poison. I think there's a revelation in there somewhere, but I can't remember much more than that. I believe that somewhere in the story (or maybe the author's note)it said something about knowing you really love someone when you are able to watch them be sick all night.

I'm going nuts trying to remember this story. Does anyone else recognize it?


Being a reporter is as much a diagnosis as a job description. ~Anna Quindlen