Think this one is still on my massive 'to be read' list, but with that subject matter I'm going to take a guess and say it has to be Jude's tennis vignette. <G>

Hang on...yup, Jude's Revelation, Anyone? A Smashing Discovery

Darn, I had one of these in mind yesterday and now my mind has gone a complete blank as to what it back soon...

Well, can't remember what was in my head, but this is another favourite anyway and should be reasonably easy too. wink

"Lois! Lady Lois . . . wait!"

Lois slowed her pace, turning reluctantly towards the speaker. "Hi, Cat," she said woodenly.

"Is it true?" asked Lady Catherine, breathless after her sprint to catch up to Lois, ". . . what they're saying? Has the King really asked
permission to have your hand in marriage?"

"Asked," affirmed Lois sadly, "and granted."

"I can't believe it. After all this time! If I were to tell you the number of women who've set their caps for him - beautiful women, too - and he's never fallen for any of them. Lady Antoinette . . . the Earl Tailor's daughter . . . even Lord Lang's eldest, Lady Lana. It was said
he had a preference for her once, but it came to nothing." She gave Lois a sly look. "I even took a shot at him myself . . . ." Lois nodded -
*that* she could believe. Lady Catherine "took a shot" at *every* man.

"He's so handsome, too," Lady Catherine continued. "And the finest figure of a man I have *ever* seen. You won't mind producing an heir with *him*." She paused, suddenly noticing Lois's lack of enthusiasm.

"Don't you agree, Lois?" she asked. "You've seen him . . . ."

Lois nodded, although she hadn't "seen" him, not really, anyway. When the King of England and his court had come to Metropolishire, she had
barely looked at any of them, her thoughts dominated by the man who had stolen her heart three weeks earlier. "Do you know anything about
Sir Lancelot?" she asked.
LabRat smile

Athos: If you'd told us what you were doing, we might have been able to plan this properly.
Aramis: Yes, sorry.
Athos: No, no, by all means, let's keep things suicidal.

The Musketeers