Oh Oh Oh! First Comes Marriage by MLT! One of my favorites!

Ah ha. Here's one I haven't read in a while:

The training room was nearly empty. The only sounds that could be heard were two fighting sticks making contact with each other, and the occasional grunts and heavy breathing of the Dre opponents. Two muscular young men,
both in their mid to late twenties, parried and sparred in the tradition of the masters of their sport. Both wore the traditional black jump suits, which hugged their bodies and revealed the muscles developed from years of
practice. Both were covered in a thin sheen of sweat, the result of nearly an hour of testing their opponent's skills.

Pausing to catch his breath, one of the fighters removed his tunic, leaving him only in the skin-tight pants. His hair, soaked with his sweat, was plastered to his head. His well-sculpted chest, glistening with perspiration, shone with the rise and fall of his laboured breathing.
Resuming his stance, he faced his rival.

"Your skills are improving, Kai," he managed to say as he ducked to avoid a swing from his opponent's weapon.

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy