I just noticed that nobody replied to shaker, and that jkd has just asked the same question. The answer is - there isn't one. wink There isn't a typical donation; all we ask is that people donate whatever they feel appropriate/can afford. We're just as delighted with $1 as we are with $50. smile

It wouldn't even be fair to give you an idea of an average or typical donation, because people's circumstances differ; someone donating, say, $50 may happen to have a reasonable disposable income, while someone giving $5 may be giving up something in order to give the archives that donation.

I know that Kathy and Annette would echo this absolutely. If you're willing to donate, whatever you can send, large or small, will be extremely gratefully received.

By the way, I hope to come back within the next week or so to give you full details of the fanzines! smile1

Wendy smile

Just a fly-by! *waves*