
Sorry for not answering before.

"The Little Girls Lost" by Brightfeather
June 18, 2003
I posted Chapter 6 of Little Girl Lost about 2 weeks ago, and my beta reader still has chapter 7...
Apologize! But, you are right. That was two weeks ago. June 8, 2003.
confused Brightfeather did you change your name to ********?

Wendymr: "When the West Wind Moves" by Ellen Roberts

June 19, 2003
Maria, Elle's been on IRC a couple of times lately. RL's been hectic and she was without an internet connection at her apartment for a while - not sure if that's fixed yet. However, she assures us that she's working on the sequel to When The West Wind Moves (she said WTWWM is finished! ) and she'll start posting that as soon as she can.

Thank you all,

MAF blush

Maria D. Ferdez.
Don't like Luthor, unfinished, untitled and crossover story, and people that promises and don't deliver. I'm getting choosy with age.