Yes Cris, I'm very sure we didn't make any mistakes in the counting. All I did make mistakes in were how to write some names and I think that has all been fixed thanks to Elena now.

Thank you Paul for the list. It's very useful. You just beat us to it <g> We had an unofficial page ready, and that has been posted now. Look here:
I know it's not with links yet, but be patient, it's coming as soon as RL will give us time.

Then I think it's about time for an official announcement. You may have noticed we used to sign as Anna, Jana and me. The last one said Anna and me. I'm sorry to have to say this, but you all deserve to know. Jana decided, after much protest of us, to drop out. RL is keeping her very busy and her time online isn't enough to help anymore, or so she feels. frown You may have noticed her absense as a Folc already. We do hope she'll make it to the ceremony and we were very happy to have worked with you until now, Jana! Come back soon! And thank you for your hard work.

The Alt-Kerth Committee
~Anna and Saskia

I tawt I taw a puddy cat!