I've always been of the opinion that Lois and Clark said their first "I love you's" after "Whine Whine Whine", which is why Clark was ready to tell Lois he was Superman at the beginning of "And The Answer Is". Yes, it was off screen which was a total cheat, but I just can't accept the fact that Lois would tell Superman that she loved Clark before she told Clark. First off, I find it really sad, and second, I think Superman would have registered more shock and emotion had he just heard that Lois loved him for the first time. (As would Lois have shown more emotion when Clark says it to her before the proposal if it was the first time she was hearing it from him. Instead, she just looks at him tenderly, without even saying it back, pleased but not bowled over.) So I think Clark knew she loved him, but being willing to sacrifice herself for his parents showed him how deep and unconditional that love really was. (Which is why I don't like the fact that he was willing to freeze her in the first place, but that's another discussion. <g>)

As for Clark proposing before telling Lois his secret, that's definitely a puzzle. The theory that makes the most sense to me is that his original intent was to tell her about Superman and then propose, but he just got caught up in the emotion and the romance of the evening and what had happened to them, and jumped the gun with his proposal. He wanted so much to communicate the depth of his love to her at that moment -- as she had done for him by her sacrifice -- and the strongest expression of that love for him was to propose.

For Lois, we know the revelation -- the demonstration of trust -- would have been a stronger declaration of love. But for Clark, marriage is the ultimate expression of his feelings. To him, Superman is almost incidental. No, he didn't analyze it ahead of time, thinking about what Lois would prefer, but he was only thinking with his heart instead of his head.

After all, that's what makes Lois and Clark such wonderful partners. They are so much alike, yet their many differences -- the way they see the world and communicate what they see to the other one -- is what makes them complement each other so well. smile
