Do You Know How It Feels?

Do you know how it feels
to be crying on the inside,
when you don’t have the energy to cry the real tears,
when all the pain is drowning you on the inside,
suffocating your will to live?

Do you know how it feels
to be hopeless,
when nothing is going your way
and you can’t see how it ever will?

Do you know how it feels
to wonder if the feeling with ever go away,
the one that eats at your soul?

Do you know how it feels
to be lonely,
to believe that you’ll never find someone,
never be complete?

Do you know how it feels
to be tired all the time,
the kind of tired that not only claims your consciousness,
but your hope as well?

I do.

Kerth nominations are opening on March 3!
🏆2024 Kerth Award Posts 🏆.

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