Yeah, yeah, I made you post it, but that's because it's really good, Kaylle! smile

And as promised...

And what are we but shadows
Shadows of the wind?
The merest ghosts of memories
Of all we could have been?
These lines really hit me, especially "memories of all we could have been... " So true.

So is there hope in wishing, then,
When Man has turned his back?
What point in aspirations
If their Fate is to be black?
The choice is always yours, my friend
Do with it as you may:
To see the world in darkness
Or to expedite the day.
I'm having trouble finding words to express myself... ironic, I know <g>, but I really love this stanza. It kind of gives you a sense of hope, though it's a bleak hope at the same time.

The repetition of the title throughout is really great. What I really love about this, is that it has a rhythm and a flow. It rhymes, but not too obtrusively. Really well done, whether it was teenage melodrama or not. wink

I really hope we can see more from you, Kaylle!


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🏆2024 Kerth Award Posts 🏆.

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