
I was drugged within this cage
My life was fine, but for a stage
I was content to rest behind bars
And didn’t care reach for stars

Now I’m scared to find the key
That will lead me back to being me
To leave behind all that I know
And face new worlds of fire or snow

I peek out here and there and wonder
Would stepping beyond put me asunder
Am I meant to spend my life
Trapped by bladed cage like knife?

Self doubt and fear, shy’d away from love
Scared of heights, to fly like dove
What if I find the key and lose
All that’s dear to me and you

Terrified I’ll stand alone
Forever in tears and seas of moans?
Regretful of the day I sought
Or even had a single thought?

That there was more than this cage
And that this was just life’s stage
Freedom's always has its price
No quote to let me know precise

Future known, Future found
Will I regret lingering on these grounds?
Or hastening forth into unknown
Frozen in fear locked, roots sewn.

SilentSongbird September 2004