Nan, you've done it again. Everytime I think you couldn't improve on your stories, you surprise me with things like this one! eek thumbsup

I sooooo hope that there is a followup story to this one.

Man, is that Candy character annoying. I hat to admit it, but I didn't feel one bit of sorrow over her getting a strong dose of reality or the way she got it. Please tell me that she gets a life after this?

I was really expecting one of those parasites to show up since the computer said that there were two of them on the planet. I was thinking "that sounds like the kind of thing that Nan will throw at us later.", but you didn't, and so you fooled me again.

Do you have any stories involving Animal Telepathy? Just curious.

I only have one niggle...

How is the disappearance of the students going to be explained to the parents?


“…with God everything is possible.” Matthew 19:26.

Also read Nan's Terran Underground!