Originally posted by Kathryn84:
There lies the difficulty i think. The only pieces of clothing I can think of would be socks and briefs.
I think, there-in lies the challenge. evil Maybe it's a piece of jewelry. A necklace or friendship bracelet from an adoring fan, which Clark can't untie without breaking it. A bit of face painting which he doesn't quite wash all away...

There's a great story (although I won't ruin it for those who haven't read it by naming which one it is) where Lois discovers Superman's identity from smelling her perfume on him after spending the night with Clark. And Sue S's terrific Kerth winning series The Whole Truth and And Nothing but the Truth , where Clark gives himself away in the most unintentional of ways. (I won't say more). In my stories, Another Day and Another Day, Different View Clark reveals himself without removing his clothes (until he does, in the Nfic version 'Trade Secret' [Linked Image]).

Perhaps the obvious piece of clothing (his glasses) should also be banned from this challenge. laugh

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.