29. "Lord of the Flies" - Lois saves Kal-el from having to loose social face by totally rejecting the Kryptonian custom of concubines.

30. Lord of the Flies - Trey saves Lois from dying by interrupting her occupational activity as a concubine before she activates the curse.

31. Lord of the Flies - Trey saves Lois from dying by interrupting her welcome home of Clark before it leads to them activating the curse.

32. Metallo - Lois saves Clark by freeing him from having been kidnapped by Metallo.

33. Madame X - Lois saves Superman from further attacks by Kryptonite-wielding bad guys by keeping the reality of the stuff secret.

34. Bolt from the Blue - Lois saves Superman from being mobbed by people wanting his power by not revealing how his power was transferred.

John Pack Lambert