Ooh. I never thought of that. Definitely would have some complications as far as the dual identity thing goes. People might look past glasses, but if Superman loses a limb and Clark does too in the same time frame, it's not gonna fly. I guess it would really depend on which persona loses it. Clark I can see using a prosthetic limb, particularly if he was the one who lost it in the first place. I have a harder time trying to see Superman losing a limb publicly-- although what a great story *that* would be-- because even though it's plausible that he could operate without a limb, thanks to his extra powers, I don't know how he would cope with it. Superman would be missing a limb, to use a fake might come off as either vain to the public or perhaps untrustworthy (not in that *he* is untrustworthy, but that it might be unsafe to fly people around if he has one plastic arm). That's why I can see it being easier in a way if Clark lost a limb. I can see Dr. Klein coming up with some sort of advanced prosthetic that looks just like a regular one (ala Star Wars) that would cover up for Superman. Though if that was an option, then I don't know why Clark wouldn't try to keep it hidden in both circumstances as best he could and use the advanced limb.

As another aspect, what if Dr. Klein could manipulate Clark's Kryptonian physiology into regrowing said limb? Like the lizard, except without all of the evil-villain aspects... or maybe with it. evil Maybe the new limb doesn't have any superpowers. Maybe it makes him go all Jekyll and Hyde and splits his personality... again.

Or maybe he just walks around armless.

The mental side effects would be daunting, of course. I don't know where to even begin with that one.

Fascinating idea, though.

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain