A Plot and B Plot

A: A woman disappears from a hotel bar where she had been doing Karaoke.

B: Excuse for Lois to dress sexy and sing in front of an audience with or without Clark as backup.

A Plot background;
A husband and Wife are in the habit of going to hotel bar that features Karaoke every month of so. They take a room and wife dresses to kill and sings Karaoke and husband has to compete with the rest of the wolf pack to pick her up.

They have done this several times. They are known to hotel staff. This time wife disappears.

No real enemies, possible suspect is a sleazy hotel security guy who during one of the couple's role-plays thought the wife was a hooker and told her the house rules were to give security freebies if she expected to be able to work his bar. Blew up in his face because she was not a hooker. Maybe he got fired maybe not. Maybe he is the bad guy, maybe just a distraction.

It looks like maybe the wife was simply given a date rape drug. Date rape drugs are common in US culture but most times the woman is simply dumped on a street corner afterwards.

The wife in this case is still missing.

Maybe it just the one woman, or maybe there are a string of missing women and Lois is the person who sees a pattern.

Lois and Clark relationship could be any stage, any season.
