Originally posted by Christina:
Castle's one of my favorite shows currently on tv!

If I'm not mistaken at least one of the writers that used to work on Lois and Clark is currently a writer over on Castle. I also vaguely remember hearing a quote about how they are similar (and referenced it WAY more than Moonlighting.)

I'm not sure if I could imagine a crossover between the two but it might be worth a shot. The character dynamics are reminiscent of each other.
Mine too! I didn't know that about the LnC writer, but it wouldn't surprise me-- they have such a similar feel to them! I agree on the crossover being difficult, but would be well worth it to see if done right! To me, Castle and Beckett are kind of like Clark and Lois reincarnate. laugh Fun all around.

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain