Smothering a mild invective Lois stabbed the Reply icon in her email...


You haven't paid me back for the pizza I bought you for your "stakeout" before last payday. What did I hear her name was...Jessica? And now you're begging for more? Wrong answer, Buster!

If you're ever going to write then at least strive for some measure of verisimilitude. Get real! You've never been to New York, much less London. Besides, if Perry catches you goofing off in the email system again you're going to be dead meat, mister.

If you know what's good for you you'll get your fanny in here and pay me pronto! Superman might not be up to collecting for me, but you should know I've still got Resplendent Man's number!


Clark heard the reports of Lois's keyboard as he stepped from the stairwell. Only Mad Dog Lane on a rant could make a keyboard sound like gunfire. He saw that on hearing the sound all of the staff except the new guy had already moved into their defensive positions. He himself took the safest route behind the cover of the coffee pot and poured two mugs while he considered. Not sure if their next big story was afoot or if HR had changed the expense report form again he took a chance and zoomed in on her monitor.

As he chuckled to himself the elevator opened and Jimmy stepped out.....
