Originally posted by HappyGirl:
Well, we know from WHALTTA that he can't hear from Metropolis to Philadelphia, at least when he's busy with a nuclear power plant emergency.
I always assumed that the Nuclear issues needed to be delat with first.

However, if Clark is limited by the speed of sound ins responding to Lois, this would make sense.

On another note, I have to say that it really does not make sense why Superman did not use his heat vision to destroy the sound barrier in "Wall of Sound".

All I really have to say is if Clark had responded instantaneously to the threats things would have been boring. On that note, I am not sure why Clark stops to talk with the Prankster in "Reutrn of the Prankster" when he hears Lois' cries and heads to the Power Plant instead of going straight to rescue her from the boiler that is about to burst.

Actually come to think of it I think the original idea would be intriguing. In fact I am surprised no bad guys ever really tried that. I guess maybe the attempt on Lois' life with the mat while Clark was in Philly was such, but I am surprised an international crime syndicate like Intergang did not try it more often.

John Pack Lambert