Welcome to Double Dare! Here are the basic rules:

Post a fic-dare to a FoLC of your choice.

If that FoLC takes your dare, s/he can "double dare" YOU to write a fic for *them*. PLUS, they can dare someone ELSE to write a fic.

If that person takes the dare, they double-dare whoever dared them, and the cycle begins anew for some other FoLC. *g*

Does this all make sense?

It's a bit like a cross between a ficathon and a pyramid scheme.

Just so we're clear, s/he who dares MUST take their double-dare, or the 'contract' is null and void.

So, with a deep breath and some uncertainty about my future...

CAROLM. I Dare You to write a short fic in which Lois has a "Reserved for Lois Lane" sign on one of her undercover/stakeout spots. wink

Let the games begin. laugh
