Originally posted by DSDragon:
Must think of other phrase than "went downhill..."
"Jumped the shark" seems to be the en vogue phrase.

I started watching Smallville when the very first episode aired, and watched regularly for a season or so, then stopped. When my sister got the DVDs, I got caught up (around the middle of season 5), and then started watching again.

Then, I watched to the end of last season, but I'm waiting for this season to end before I watch anymore--I want to make sure I don't miss anything, because I only want to watch it once. I've already watched 6 or 7 (what season is this again?) seasons, so I might as well go to the end.
Thank you for "jumping the shark" I forgot that one, lol, and Smallville is currently airing it's 8th Season.

Bye all...