In the most excellent cartoon "Danny Phantom", in the series finale movie: Phantom Planet, the reason why the rockets missed the asteroid was because the bad guy who funded the rescue mission (with the rockets) programmed in the wrong coordinates deliberately

His plan was to make the man he hated look like an idiot and also to make the world turn over absolute authority to him in order for him to step in and save the day (Being half ghost, half human, he was going to turn the asteroid intangible)

Turns out the thing was made of a substance ghosts can't touch.

Danny Phantom saved the day (despite having given up his half ghostness early in the episode to keep the people he loved safe - much to the major consternation of his best female friend who he secretly had a big 'thing' for ) by turning the earth intangible with a lot of help from humans and ghosts.

Turned his reputation around (due to some bad setups from villains, the "ghost kid" was labelled public enemy #1 early on and constantly hunted by his parents-the-ghost-hunters) and finally was able to drop his secret identity to the people he cared about

Silence is violence. End white supremacy based violence