You know, this sort of screams for a crossover with Dial H for Hero

But for a non-X-over, there is a lot potential also - especially if we borrow a few ideas of the Hero-story. What if Clark had developed several different superhero personas? Would he always use all of his powers? Or maybe vary them in degree: you can be of little more than average human strenght, or you can be pretty strong or superstrong. The same goes for speed, invulnerability, etc.

This way, he'd need several different costumes which includes color schemes, cuts and parts (like a cape or the briefs on the outside), masks and wigs (he might even wear a cowl on occasion...)

He'd also need to have a background for just about every one of his superhero personas, a reason why he has these powers:
- because of a freak accident (hit by lightning, bitten by a spider, etc)
- because he's an alien (from Mars/Pluto/Krypton/Thanagar...)
- because he's a mutant
- because he's a Russian/German/Japanese/governmet experiment gone rogue
- because he was granted these powers by a mythical entity (like Captain Marvel (the DC character)
- because of his unique parentage (like Zatanna, Raven or Aquaman)
- because of good training (should he choose to appear as a mere vigilante)

Oh, and I'd love to see Lois follow Clark's numerous alter egos all over the world. She might become the leading expert on all these superheroes, after all. (And, of course, have no idea it's always the same person beneath the respective suit.)

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)