I think something in a diary format would work... but it may be hard to do for LnC because most fics are based around a handful of scenarios and settings. In most fics you know there's going to be a revelation, or they're going to end up together and the bad guys are going to be defeated, etc, etc, etc. The story is in how they get from point A to point B, but we all know from the start what point B is.

I think a fic like Bohemia (on the nFic boards) could work (and not just because it's horror/dark like Blair Witch), because as readers we have no idea what's going to happen next or how it's going to end. It's the first fic I've read in a while where I have no idea how the toys are going to end up back in the box as they were, and I'm not even entirely sure that they will make it to the box.


Knowledge is knowing that tomatoes are a fruit.

Intelligence is not putting them in a fruit salad.