Ooooh. I like! Very thought-provoking, Shayne. I've probably said that way too many times already, but the idea of Utopia has always disturbed me because I feared it would be like what Tempus describes in your piece. I particularly like the idea that he lost all sense of reality.

But I've got a complaint! This would be so fantastic in a long, convoluted story where you'd show us Tempus's character through several scenes of the kind! I know you've been very busy lately, but by all means try to find sometimes to feed your hungry readers a long story where you give us that kind of revealing scenes. smile

Kaethel smile

- I'm your partner. I'm your friend.
- Is that what we are?
- Oh, you know what? I don't know what we are. We kiss and then we never talk about it. We nearly die frozen in each other's arms, but we never talk about it, so no, I got no clue what we are.

~ Rick Castle and Kate Beckett ~ Knockout ~