That is quite the creative challenge, Little Tornado! I love the idea. smile When I first read "Scavenger Hunt," I had a thought that could..sort of relate to a story idea I already have in mind..and a fantasy story of sorts could work as well. In fact, lol, I believe I emailed you a little of what I had in mind a few days ago, when I asked if you would br and help cowrite a story with me.

Mystery aside, folcs, I have an idea for an n-fic. It would involve Disneyland, Tuck Everlasting (sort of a fantasy story)!, and heck I could put in an actual scavenger hunt of sorts. Lol, not sure about the butter or something foreign but a certain Man of Steel could arrange a flight to a foreign place for Lois if need be.

Anyone want to collaborate on this? Let me know.
