Hey guys, this is just a thought, but I decided to post it. While I was looking at the sign ups for the ficathon I kept getting all these great fic ideas from the suggestions. And I know someone could take that one request and write a million different stories on it. Anyway, I propose that if there's a story you'd like to see written, to post it here. As long as you aren't really specific, writers could come for some inspiration and maybe your fic could be written in a way you hadn't thought of. But you would simply give three stipulations like

1. Smallville
2. Cat Grant, Lois Lane and Clark Kent
3. A beauty pageant

I don't know, but I bet some pretty comical stories could be written from the above three and the best part is that there could be more than one since the topic is so broad. I just came up with those three off the top of my head, but I already am thinking of some fun short stories for it. Anyway, if anyone else has some suggestions/requests they'd like to add, post it in here. It'd be a fun bin of inspiration.


Thanks to CapeFetish for the awesome icon. smile