Personally, when thinking of Lois and Peter Parker together, I always remember the first Superman/Spider-Man crossover way back in the pre-Crisis days. A big press convention was being held in New York, and Morgan Edge, then owner of the DP and the WGBS TV station, brought L&C along.

For some reason, there was a huge mock-up (shades of Bill Finger) of a NASA space station that was due to be launched soon (can you spell McGuffin, boys and girls? laugh ) and Lois climbed up onto a gantry to get a better look at it, but her heels weren't the best thing for that and she began to slip... only to be promptly rescued by Peter, who was up on the same gantry taking photos. After a short hey-I-know-you conversation, they climbed back down, to be met by a rather catty Mary Jane who was not at all impressed to see Lois hanging around her boyfriend. Of course, having got the two women together, the writers promptly had them kidnapped by a fake Superman!

An interesting thing about the interaction between the three characters was that Lois was depicted, both in the script and the art, as being significantly older than Peter and MJ -- say, late twenties/early thirties compared to early twenties; in fact, at one point, Lois "defends" herself against MJ's snarky remarks by asking the redhead if she didn't think Peter was a little young for her. That age range for Lois makes sense when one remembers that, at the time, Superman was supposed to be 34.

As far the other candidates go, I'm presuming that you mean the date is with their civilian identities (Batman does not go on dates -- except possibly with Catwoman wink ). In that case, Bruce Wayne would treat her much as Luthor did (think along the lines of the opera date in Pretty Woman) in terms of fine food, lavish entertainment, etc., but personal interaction between them would depend on just how interested Bruce was: if this was a one-time thing, never to be repeated, with no repercussions, then the Fop would likely make his appearance; if there was more to it, then more of the real Bruce might be seen -- and he likes strong, independent women. Much the same could be said for Tony Stark (Iron Man).

Oliver Queen, if he still had his money, might do much the same, except that his playboy persona isn't much of a mask. He can be shallow, and he is a bit of an MCP, so there could be fireworks. If we're talking about the later, poorer Ollie (then where's Dinah?), the date might be quite different -- a ball game, say -- and just about anything could happen. I could see Lois trying to interview him if he's involved in some kind of social activist thing that has come to her notice, and he might decide that the date was the price of the interview.

J'Onn... well, now that would be a mutual study session. Quite which of his many human personae might date Lois for whatever reason is something that would give an author a wide range of possibilities, but whoever he's being at the time would find Lois a fascinating example of the human female, someone to study as thoroughly (and as unobtrusively) as possible as part of his continuing quest to understand and connect with the people of his new homeworld. Fun, but unlikely to be action-packed... :rolleyes:

Aquaman would treat the whole thing as an interview right from the start. Kings are like that. :p

Lots more possibilities, but here's one that could be funny if Jimmy was also around -- Thor in his third secret ID of Jake Olson, paramedic. I really must get around to writing Thunder Over Metropolis some time... wink


Ping! Ping!! Ping!!! -- Mother Box
She's such a chatterbox at times...