I just read Lovesick by Kathy Brown this morning. I was thinking, what if Clark got sick? I know they did the whole kryptonian virus thing in HIWTHI, but what if it was an earthly virus? I don't know if its been done before.

Maybe Clark just got exposed to a large dose of kryptonite leaving him vulnerable for days, maybe a week. Early on in his vulnerable state, he gets exposed to a particularly nasty version of the flu thats been going around the office. I can see this turning into a comedy of sorts since I believe that men in particular act like they're dying the moment they get the sniffles. wink

I can see Clark completely overreacting because he's never been sick before and doesn't know how to handle it. Plus there's nothing he can do about the fact that he's invulnerable, he'll just have to ride it out.

This just came to me after reading that story. Don't know if its been done, but it could be pretty amusing. Any takers, ideas, etc?


Joey: If he doesn't like you, then this is all just a moo point.
Rachel: A moo point?
Joey: Yeah, it's like a cow's opinion, you know, it just doesn't matter. It's "moo."
Rachel: Have I been living with him for too long, or did that all just make sense?