I recently posted a short called The Cat and the Trap. In it Cat Grant tried to trick Lois into cutting her hair to prove that Lois would do practically anything to get Superman's approval.

It turned out that Lois didn't cut her hair, but an accident happened which necessitated that she cut her hair anyway. Yes, it was a haircut story.
Even though Lois didn't actually fall prey to Cat's trap, Cat thinks she did because of the fact that Lois hair had been cut.

I allowed for Lois to take the high road and not seek any revenge on Cat, since she didn't actually succeed in her machinations against Lois. Still, many of the gentle readers think that Lois should indulge in some sort of retribution since no one believes her (except Clark)as to what actually happened. They all believe Cat, and that Lois cut her hair to try and please Superman.

So when the call came to do an epilogue/sequel in which Lois gets her vengence, I said I'd think about it. I have.

I've decided that I don't want to write it. (I have another evil idea percolating in my mind)

BUT! I've decided to toss out the idea for Lois' revenge to the gentle readers/writer out there as a challenge.

The only thing I'd suggest is that you don't have Lois actively do something to Cat (like set her on fire, or blow up her apartment). Since the whole purpose of Cat's trap was to 'trick' Lois into doing something to herself that she wouldn't ordinarily do, I think Lois' plan would have to take a similar tack. Lois (with, or without Clark's help) needs to 'trick' Cat into doing something that she would find, embarassing, or humiliating, or distasteful, or... well, you get the idea.

Any takers?

Tank (who thinks that if there are enough responses to this that it could become an alt-Kerth category all to itself wink )