Yes, I click the New Topic button a lot, here, don't I?

Anyway, there was a dream that I had once that I thought would make a good story, in the right hands. It was...sad, and I don't really know why I dreamt it, but it went like this:

Clark Kent was unemployed. How he lost his job, I don't know. But he couldn't get or keep another job, because he had a poor work-attendance record (arriving late, leaving early, numerous inexplicable disappearances). The result, apparently, was that he had much more time to be Superman. Perhaps *too* much more time. He became depressed, and an alcoholic! (It has been speculated, in various fics, that if Clark drank *enough*, it would affect him).

Naturally, Lois could not or would not put up with this, and she threw him out. My dream showed me a sorry, slightly-drunken figure trying desperately to get his wife to take him back.

Well, that's it. I warned you it was depressing. Did she take him back? I don't know. I like to think so. But what happened?

In my dream, this was an alternate universe, so perhaps this story can be done as a cross-over, ala "Lois and Clarks", or as a stand-alone.
