This has been swirling around in my head for a long time now.

-Lois actually married Luthor.

-Clark never found enough evidence to put Luthor in prison but maybe found enough to to take Jack out of jail (because I feel bad leaving the kid in there)

-Clark never fell for Luthor's trap

-Perry was never able to or is still trying to get the Planet rebuild

-Clark moved away from Metropolis and has a new life and job he's also in a serious relationshipwith a girlfriend or fiance

-She can be Lana, Mayson, Linda King, a nigerian pricess or a completetly new character

-She can actually love Clark or somehow work for Lex in an effort to keep Clark from Lois

-She can or cannot know the secret, if shes working for Luthor I'd prefer if she didnt too much power for Luthor this early in the game

-Clark tried to keep in contact with Lois maybe make amends but got discouraged when she didnt return his calls, letters, e-mail, ect. It would be interesting if Lois did this on purpose but it could just be that Lex screens anything that comes from Clark

-There can be a scene where Lois and Clark have one more huge fallout before the wedding, like the fight to end all fights, angstier thah the ones on the show if thats possibile (I love angst can you tell)

-I would like them to meet again in a public place like a party where they're forced to be civil with eachother and Clark can introduce his girlfriend/fiance, ofcourse later on they can have the showdown (the showdown is optional too I guess but I just expect that seing Lois again would bring up alot of old hurt for Clark and that Lois would be upset at seeing Clark has a love interest, irrationally upset ofcourse but still)

-This could be set a couple of months or a couple of years after HoL

-A-plots are optional

Ok thats all I have. Have fun!

Procrastinators unite! Tomorrow.