CC... *ahem* Didn't we hash this out already ?

Flash is a lot more powerful than he seems at first glance.

(Of course, you're used to Wally, who was deliberately made less powerful because Barry was way too powerful to be able to write, but I digress.)

Ann, as far as I remember:

Flash was working in his lab when it was struck by lightning and the resulting accident gave him his powers.

Spider-man is also the result of a lab accident, and I'm pretty sure there are other heroes who were struck by lightning.

The vat of toxic waste applies to several heroes, as well. That is the Joker's origin, but he's a villain. I'm sure there are several heroes who did something of the kind, but the one who comes most prominently to my mind is New Jersey's first super hero, flagship character of NYC-based B-movie Troma studios, The Toxic Avenger! ("Toxie" to his friends.)

Everyone knows who breathes underwater (and has the amazing power to talk to fish!), but I'm not quite sure about digging really fast. The only one who comes to mind offhand is Freedom Force 's The Ant . (He's "ant-tastic!" He's also the game's answer to Spider-Man. He uses his digging abilities to burrow for safety, surprise enemies, and get around obstacles).

Yelling really loudly is the primary power of the JLA's Black Canary and the X-men's Banshee , among others. (Other characters, like the alternate future Green Goblin also have a sonic attack as a secondary power.)

Sneezing hurricanes is a new one on me, though. (But there are characters, such as Red Tornado is the ability to generate hurricanes (or, more properly, tornadoes).

Anyway, great job again, Dave!

I wonder if anyone else came up with an interesting interpretation of the theme (there are a few more possibilities...).


When in doubt, think about penguins. It probably won't help, but at least it'll be fun.